What happens when you reach a pivotal moment when you have to choose between staying cozy in your little rut, or really setting out to pave a course for a new phase of your life?
Well turns out, that's what I'm facing right now. Tomorrow I'm boarding a plane for Atlanta Georgia to check out a tremendous graduate level art school called the Portfolio Center. More than likely, I'll come out of this program with some really rad credentials and a portfolio that'll help land me a job in advertising anywhere in the country- maybe even the world. This sounds really dope, right? Truth is, I'm scared to death to go to this school. Long term, this path would provide me with a really lucrative career in advertising as a writer, or an art director. So what's holding me back? I love living where I'm at. I'm digging my hometown and I don't like drastic change. Moving from Salt Lake City to Hotlanta is a huge step for me. A step that will provide me with tremendous opportunities to enter a vocation that I love. But that means another two years of living on a college student's budget.
I'll throw in another variable to make things a little tougher. I could possibly have a great job at an good company. If I were to land said job, I could probably buy a nice condo and furnish it with all the latest IKEA furniture. I'd work away, BBQ on the weekends and amass some great toys...but would this be the long term best route for me? Perhaps not. Maybe I'll just end up hating life in my cubicle- eventually my life will become the personification of a Dilbert cartoon or an episode of the Office. I found a quote by Mark Twain (and I normally can't stand quotes like this) that says
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
It all comes down to whether I can man up and make the move to Atlanta. I know that this is probably the right thing to do, and I know I'll experience some fantastic growth as I venture out on my own. I once told a good friend not to settle in life. Get a job you love. Success will follow. Do I have the balls to take my own advice?
Time will tell what happens. Meanwhile I'm hedging my bets by continuing to interview for jobs in my safe harbor. I'm kind of a wuss.
Yo baby, Bob said it best = "Don't worry 'bout a 'ting, cause every little ting's gonna be alright!"
Easy, breezy, beautiful.
Lotta sneaker shops in the A man. I hope to come see you soon. Travel safely, rock some fresh kicks. Stay in touch Managua.
You appear stressed about this major life changing decision. I want to give you my advice (take it or leave it). I have been through some pretty major things in life which have forced me to question everything and make tough decisions. However,I have learned a lot along the way. So what have I learned? I have learned that the best decision isn't always the easiest one. If you feel that in the long run going to this school will help you, then I say do it! Sure, it is scary and difficult, but when you do it you will be a stronger person for facing the unknown. So what if you get out there and absolutely hate it, well you can come back to Utah, but at least you can say you tried. That is better than not trying at all. You talk about the possibility of a great job opportunity in Utah, which will provide you with stability. My advice to everyone is to not seek out stability in life. The reality is that no matter how much we all try to make our life stable and predictable, life is just not that way. Life can change in a moment so regardless of if you are here or there, nothing in life is guaranteed. Nobody knows the right answer for YOU, except YOU. Deep down you know what you want to do and what is right for YOU so go with that decision. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Theodore Roosevelt, "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Choose Georgia. You know you want it... I doubt you will ever regret going and getting your rad credentials. Good luck! Think of me when you are in Hotlanta...
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